Laying Foundations

Laying Foundations This morning was spent leveling ground and putting down forms to hold the poured concrete. After that was done we had a fast and furious two hours of mixing and pouring concrete. Needless to say it was pretty amazing seeing the fast and furious pace of our team carrying buckets, running the mixer, and spreading the concrete into a floor.

Now if you are following along on Instagram or Facebook, you’ve been updated as the day went on. (Hint, go do that now)

In this day, not many people are part of building a structure from the ground up. This is common practice in communities around world, coming together to be part of a home or barn being built. It’s truly something special to form a home where before was a community trash pit.

Jesus himself was called the cornerstone, as our faith salvation rest on the foundation of his sacrifice for us.

Today we helped a family have a foundation for their future together. Mom helped in the construction process while dad was at work. Their son played soccer with us between buckets of material being mixed.

This foundation we have laid in Guatemala was for the good of this family, and for the Glory of God in their lives.