Gospel in Nepal

The more of the world I see, the more I am assured that God’s image bearers are more alike than most can even imagine. Too often we only see the language, cultural, and political barriers, but if we dare to slow down and pay attention, we begin to see the shared rhythms of life.

Two weeks ago I was honored to be part of a team who took that time in Nepal. Time to spend with fellow pastors who want to better serve their churches by being faithful to the Word. Men who love Jesus in a country wrought with the darkness of false gods at every turn. But isn’t that the truth in every country?

You see, that’s what brings us together on this mission of sharing the Good News of Jesus. Each day we would begin with worship and prayer, then spend hours pouring over Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia. Their passion for sharing the gospel was tempered and honed with the study of God’s Word. The doctrine of justification by faith alone was clarified and became a second breath as they long to further share the security of grace in their churches.

The city of Khatmadu is a bustling flow of some of the kindest and most endearing people on the planet. This fact propels these pastors to contend for them in every aspect of life. They live with their church each and every day, and want nothing but the reality of Jesus’s love to reign in their lives. These amazing Himalayan shepherds will forever be an inspiration to me.