Technology is a Reoccurring Joy

John Piper recently answered the question, “How do you use iPhone in Christian Growth”. The main thrust of his answer was one of joy found in access to so many rich sources of biblical knowledge at his fingertips.

“My iPad and my iPhone are incredible gifts from God. I could almost come to tears over how precious they are to me.”

I have been quiet the geek for many years now. Sadly for longer than I’ve loved Jesus in return for his love for me. As a young lad, I sold both my Star Wars and He-Man collections to purchase boxes from Nintendo and Sega. The first loan I ever got from a bank was to purchase a 486 speed desktop computer, and that's with no vision of an interconnected network. I even stood in line for the first iPhone, but honestly, who is surprised by that one?

All of my geekness aside, the rapid speed that technology is spreading around the world is alarming and inspiring at the same time. When I was on my first Mission Trip to Honduras in 2004, we were allowed to send two emails home to the entire week. Several years later on a return trip, I was video chatting with my family from my iPhone.

In January, I was in Uganda teaching Hermeneutics. The only technology I took with me was a huge iPhone and the little keyboard I'm currently typing this on. I make documents for class, researched topics, and had access to my entire theological library.... All in a pocket sized device.

Since returning, I've been getting a few messages weekly from some of my students and from the pastor of the church, in which I preached. They are such an encouragement to me.

From: Gita Julius.
Hello Pastor,
Easter celebration in our church was very good, we stated on Good Friday with the all night of worshiping, praising and praying to the Lord,
We be-live that He raised from the death and He will never die again. The death no longer has dominion over Him, so brother, your heart may not tremble because we will be with Him in the glory.
Greetings to you all. 

For all the dangers we can find in technology, there are at least an equal number of joys to be found. The task before us is how to leverage this advancing gift for the kingdom.